Enterprise Alumni

Enterprise Alumni

Industry: Finance

Enterprise Alumni enables corporate alumni engagement through its innovative platform. This system allows organizations to cultivate lasting relationships with former employees, expand talent pools, drive sales, and promote their brands.

The Challenge

Our client faced significant issues while building their platform. Communication of requirements directly from the product owner to developers resulted in diverse code quality. The product's architecture was inadequate for a large-scale platform, leading to missed delivery schedules, limited QA activities, hundreds of production bugs, and slow, poor-quality implementation of new requirements.

The Solution

Our team created a central technical hub to streamline communication and oversight. Features and requirements were decided through a structured process involving product owners and business analysts. This approach led to zero high bugs in production and significantly boosted the team’s delivery capabilities.


  • Java 8
  • Angular React
  • AWS
  • Spring boot 2

IT Labs Services

  • Project management
  • Product Development
  • Client development
  • Talent development
  • Support

Case Studies

Noah Preston

Business Partner


    Blackboard Learn

    Blackboard Learn

    Industry: Education

    Blackboard Learn is an application for online teaching, learning, community building, and knowledge sharing. Instructors can use any theory or model for teaching online courses because Blackboard Learn is open, flexible, and centered on student achievement.

    The Challenge

    Our client needed to transform the Blackboard Learn Enterprise platform into a modern, simple, low-maintenance LMS. They aimed to give educators the autonomy to deliver inclusive, consistent educational experiences while maintaining compatibility with existing tools and integrations.

    The Solution

    Our team removed all blockers, preventing clients from transitioning to the Ultra version of the Learn platform, which features a modern UI design. We delivered a defined set of features per release, increasing user satisfaction for those who moved to the Ultra version. This upgrade provided competitive differentiation with new features that set them apart from their competitors.


    • Java11
    • Gradle
    • Angular.js
    • React
    • AWS
    • Kubernetes
    • PostgreSQL
    • MSSQL
    • Oracle

    IT Labs Services

    • Product Development
    • Project Management
    • Team-As-A-Service
    • Support, Upgrades & Maintenance

    Case Studies

    Noah Preston

    Business Partner


      Private Fund Reporter  

      Private Fund Reporter

      Industry: Finance

      Private Fund reporter is transforming the delivery of investor reporting and fund compliance services to the private funds market by developing a solution that simplifies the report preparation and compliance process for clients and Deloitte employees.

      The Challenge

      Our client needed to enhance the effectiveness, efficiency, and accuracy of UK tax investment fund reporting. They aimed to improve the experience for client tax managers reviewing taxable income, reduce manual errors, provide risk analytics, speed up the review process, enable easy data amendments, and maintain an audit trail. Additionally, they wanted to retain existing clients targeted by competitors offering tech solutions.

      The Solution

      Our team developed a reliable, efficient, and expandable tool for both Deloitte users and clients’ tax managers. The solution included standardized Excel templates for data import, bulk data upload capabilities, and exportable PDF reports. It also featured multiple criteria for data allocation and multi-level breakdowns, available for review within the application. The platform had both internal and external components to ensure comprehensive functionality.


      • Angular
      • TypeScript
      • HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
      • .NET Core
      • Azure Cloud
      • Azure Security Services
      • Azure Pipelines

      IT Labs Services

      • Product Development
      • Project Management
      • Team-As-A-Service
      • Support, Upgrades & Maintenance

      Case Studies

      Noah Preston

      Business Partner


        Remuneration Web Application

        Remuneration Web Application

        Industry: Finance

        Remuneration Web application is a SaaS platform built to analyze the financial and remuneration information of Fortune 500 executives. It uses predictive analytics to predict certain information for matchmaking and negotiations with executives.

        The Challenge

        Our client needed extensive data migrations, standardizations, and manipulations from multiple sources and databases. They required a secure, stable, and easily accessible system for multiple users with different roles and permissions located in various places. Additionally, they needed a flexible application capable of adapting to market changes and staying ahead of competitors.

        The Solution

        Our team transformed the client's data capture approach into an innovative web application, reducing data entry time by 25%. We improved reporting efficiency for both internal and client projects and provided a structured framework for distinctive dashboard analytics. Historical data was imported and mapped into the new system structure, with easy-to-add new data fields and expandable code lists.


        • jQuery 2.1, HTML5, SCSS
        • .NET Framework 4.5
        • jQuery UI
        • AWS Cloud
        • MS SQL 2012

        IT Labs Services

        • Product Development
        • Project Management
        • Team-As-A-Service
        • Support, Upgrades & Maintenance

        Case Studies

        Noah Preston

        Business Partner


          Global Payroll Gateway

          Global Payroll Gateway

          Industry: Finance

          Global Payroll Gateway consolidates global payment, fraud-fighting, and loss prevention into one platform. GPG provides Merchant Processing, Fraud Protection, Dispute Alerts, Chargeback Management online, and payouts globally to banks, existing Visa and MasterCards, as well as the issue of payroll cards.

          The Challenge

          Our client needed to create version 2 of their product with a service-oriented approach, transforming segments into independent microservices. They also required an API facade to handle domain logic calls, comprehensive reporting and statistics, and a redesigned graphical user interface.

          The Solution

          Our team developed a reliable and flexible V2 product with independent microservices, ensuring each service functions without affecting others. The solution accommodates various client types (web, mobile, etc.), allowing independent development for each. Key features include card tokenization for PCI compliance, fraud protection, dispute alerts, chargeback management, integration with DeepStack for merchant account processing, and a clear, intuitive dashboard.


          • Microservice Architecture
          • JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML5, SCSS
          • Angular, Bootstrap, NodeJS
          • .Net Core
          • AWS Cloud
          • AWS Services

          IT Labs Services

          • Product Development
          • Project Management
          • Team-As-A-Service
          • Support, Upgrades & Maintenance

          Case Studies

          Noah Preston

          Business Partner


            Caerus Connections

            Caerus Connections

            Industry: Blockchain Transactions

            Caerus Connections allows job seekers and potential employers to find their ideal fit through a cost-effective platform that utilizes blockchain technology.

            The Challenge

            Our client needed to develop a SaaS recruiting and assessments portal with smart contract blockchain implementation and token payments.

            The Solution

            Our team created an affordable, scalable, and flexible recruiting solution featuring advanced candidate assessments for better long-term fits and a comprehensive job board built on a blockchain foundation. The platform uses Caerus Token as the primary payment method and enables direct messaging between candidates and recruiters to enhance communication.


            • Ethereum
            • Microservice Architecture
            • .Net Core 2.0
            • Angular 5
            • PostgreSQL

            IT Labs Services

            • Product Design
            • Product Management
            • Product Development
            • Team-As-A-Service
            • Support, Upgrades & Maintenance

            Case Studies

            Noah Preston

            Business Partner


              Growth Instruments  

              Growth Instruments

              Industry: Human Capital Management

              Growth Instruments is a SaaS recruiting, onboarding, and training platform. It is all-in-one, white-label technology that makes it easy to manage the distribution network via self-service portals.

              The Challenge

              Our client needed to create a platform that was highly customizable for each customer's workflow, could onboard new customers within hours, featured hybrid multi-tenancy architecture, and had a reusable, easily maintainable codebase. Additionally, they aimed to reduce hosting costs and ensure seamless upgrades without affecting other modules.

              The Solution

              Our team developed an easy-to-use platform for recruiting, onboarding, training, learning, and marketing. The platform can be seamlessly modified to meet industry and organization-specific needs. Hosting costs were reduced by using a Linux environment. The separation of modules increased flexibility and provided other benefits, allowing businesses to grow their revenues rapidly without incurring large overhead costs.


              • Microservices architecture
              • .Net Core
              • Node.js
              • Angular
              • PostgreSQL

              IT Labs Services

              • Product Design
              • Product Development
              • Project Management
              • Team-As-A-Service
              • Support, Upgrades & Maintenance

              Case Studies

              Noah Preston

              Business Partner


                Smart CSM

                Smart CSM

                Industry: Building Infrastructure

                SmartCSM is a SaaS company that offers clients an application for managing their building infrastructure. Their primary target clients are typically building facility managers and electrical value-added resellers (VARs).

                The Challenge

                Once a building is completed, its design documentation is often stored away, rarely accessed, or updated. This lack of updated information on a building's wiring can lead to catastrophic failures, accidents, and costly consequences for facility managers and building owners, including shutdowns, unnecessary repairs, and legal issues.

                The Solution

                Our team updated the data management solution for electrical infrastructure, allowing facility managers to track and manage electrical systems effectively. VARs also use it to manage their clients' infrastructure. Currently supporting electricity and fuse panels, with plans to expand to HVAC, plumbing, data and security, and other services.


                • Service-oriented architecture
                • .Net Core 2.1
                • Angular 2
                • PostgreSQL

                IT Labs Services

                • Product Innovation
                • Product Development
                • Project Management
                • Product Deployment
                • Support & Maintenance

                Case Studies

                Noah Preston

                Business Partner


                  Fruit Street  

                  Fruit Street

                  Industry: Health

                  Fruit Street Clinic, with the help of top clinicians specializing in urgent and primary care, mental health, and nutrition, takes an integrated approach to preventing, treating, and reversing disease by guiding patients from the comfort of their homes.

                  The Challenge

                  Our client needed reliable web and mobile applications for private practices, focusing on dietary guidance and including CDC recognition for its DPP platform. The previous video conferencing system was unreliable, with issues like choppy quality and limitations on user capacity.

                  The Solution

                  Our team focused on the Diabetes Prevention Program and COVID-19-related cases. We migrated the client from their existing software, replacing the unreliable chat and video conferencing systems, and developed new mobile apps. We enhanced analytics, working with data scientists to ensure accuracy. Additionally, we ensured compliance with HIPAA, Level AA Accessibility, GDPR, and CCPA, integrating these requirements into our roadmap.


                  • PHP
                  • Android
                  • iOS

                  IT Labs Services

                  • Product development
                  • Product management

                  Case Studies

                  Branislav Gjorcevski

                  CEO at IT Labs


                    Doctor Service  


                    Industry: Healthcare

                    DoctorService is a portal for hospitals, doctors, and other treatment providers. Users can find and compare treatment offers from different medical institutions throughout the country, with all information, such as waiting times, prices, ratings, and location, in one place.

                    The Challenge

                    Our client needed a multi-tenant B2B platform with a CMS and billing system to reduce absenteeism via a medical hotline and address long-term illnesses for companies, insurance companies, and municipalities.

                    The Solution

                    Our team developed a platform that facilitates seamless communication among companies, employees, healthcare providers, and insurance companies. This solution speeds up healthcare delivery while keeping administrative procedures time and cost-effective. DoctorService offers independent advice and injury treatment for health-insured individuals, ensuring that only necessary treatments are performed.


                    • .Net framework
                    • SQL server

                    IT Labs Services

                    • Product Design
                    • Product Development

                    Case Studies

                    Branislav Gjorcevski

                    CEO at IT Labs

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